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The Importance of Location When Starting a Business

We've all heard it said before: "location, location, location".  We routinely look at location when making many decisions in life, such as buying a house or choosing a school.  When deciding where to plant roots for your new business it is just as important.  Location is an extremely big factor in a company's success. While deciding what state, town, or street to build a store front, there are mny factors to look at. Your utilities will be different depending on where you set up shop.  You need to look at things like: "Are there communities nearby that have the clientele I want to attract? What is the labor market like in said area? Is this close to an interstate so that I can get stuff shipped in or out easily? Where can I put my signage to bee seen buy the most people. " Depending on what sort of company you have, you may need to look at proximity to the railroads too.  However, if you have an internet based company or maybe a business where you offer a service, the location is not as much of a factor because you don't have people coming directly to you.
The location you choose is mostly dependent upon what type of business you have.  It is possible that an unusual location/set-up will work out well.  


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