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Showing posts from November, 2018

Public Relations

Public relations is about building relationships with key people, managing a reputation, increasing sales, and gaining customers. Market is a component of PR that enhances your reputation, which leads to customers and increased sales. Credibility in a brand is partially dependent on the public relations of an organization. The key to credibility is the creation of new ideas and adapting to them.  Press releases and business stories are a way for customer and shoppers to connect with a business.  These methods of communication have a major influence on how people view the company. A History of Public Relations: True corporate PR began in the 18th century. The first PR department was established in 1889.  The first time PR was applied was in 1897 in order to manage communication between an organization and the public with regards to the railway.  The first public relations agency was founded in 1900. Ivy Lee, who created the first official press released to help the Pennsylvania Rail


Today, there is less and less need for newspaper ads. Nowadays, people mainly place their ads on google. It is not like a traditional ad that is placed on a main bulletin board area. Rather, an ad is generated when a search is performed using specific phrasing linked to a specific ad.  Currently, I am looking to purchase a porch swing. When I type "porch swing Birmingham Alabama" into the search engine, four ads are generated from paid advertisers. These advertisers assign relevant words and phrases, called key words, to the service they provide. This way, when someone searches one of those words or phrases, their ad appears.  Below that are non-paid, organic results are for other websites where porch swings may be found. Advertisers can also determine what type of devices their ads appear on. When someone clicks on an ad, the advertiser is charged for the click. Another way to advertise for a business is through Facebook or Instagram. Advertisers can "sponsor", o

Competitive Advantage

Tony Alessandra is a traveling keynote speaker. One such topic he discusses is competitive advantage. He explains that your company needs to be able to offer customers something that no one else can. Something that separates you from the competition. Otherwise, why would anyone have a reason to buy from you over your competition? When you are and your competition are the same, people buy based on price. He says that you need a state of competitive advantage which is a 30 second explanation of why your company is different.  He says that a statement of competitive advantage has four things: your name, your company, a statement regarding  a typical problem experienced in your target market, and a n intriguing statement about how you can help solve that problem.  He says that having this statement really does set you apart and makes you sound like an expert right from the beginning.